Thursday, February 28, 2019

Monkey See

    Do you ever have a million ideas running through your head? Your brain is at a million miles per hour while your physical being is probably at a dead end? Your mind goes way too fast for your body. Yes, that is me. Every second I think about this project, I come up with like 4890 thousand more ideas. Obviously some are immediately disposed for obvious reasons.
     Like I can't film an opening in outer space because it's so hard to find an astronaut costume. And I can't film a shark attack underwater because I can only hold my breathe for so long.
        But anyway, after having a long talk with my partner, we finally came up with something. An inspiration. A track or overall idea of something we want to do in the THRILLER genre.

   Today I'm going to give you an idea of what we plan to do, visually. 
    Daniela, as we all know, is not too bad to look out. ( everyone go check out her blog, literally an upcoming model). She's going to be the main focus in our opening. It will take place in a nice pretty field off of Griffin road which is literally two minutes away, we can literally walk there.
    Here's an inspiration of what we plan to accomplish with our opening:

In my head I see fast pace cuts with medium shots and long shots and playful angles. Daniela in all white, to represent innocence. We want to highlight this color appointed with Daniela's character. A way or kind of an idea of how to "show off" or even rub this color in the audience's face is inspired from The Great Gatsby Scene, where the audience is first introduced to Daisy.
Do you see the way the curtains dance with the wind? The white gives you a feeling of safety and beauty. Yes, that is exactly how we plan to introduce Daniela's character.
      That's all we have so far, but trust me if you keep in touch and I won't feel like such a bother.... You will not regret it!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

'Cause this is THRILLERR!!!

Hello human creatures!!!
   I told you guys I was going to get annoying, and here it is. I know you guys are annoyed because even I'M annoyed with myself.
     But the OG ones wouldn't mind and keep on reading.
   So topic of today is: GENRE DECISION.
    So I'm not sure I mentioned in any blog posting earlier, but yes I have a partner for my film opening. Her name is Daniela and she's alright I guess... JUST KIDDING! Daniela is my partner for the portfolio project and my friend, a "BFF', if you will. She's a model... seriously.
    We discussed today on what the genre should be and we both brought two ideas to the table. I brought horror of course (because I'm a scorpio duh), which she immediately turned down. So rude...
   However, we compromised and decided to do...
   I don't think you guys are ready...
   Okay fine...
   We decided to do...
    Many Thrillers include a protagonist, who would obviously be introduced in our opening scene, with kind of a slow tempo in the beginning, but definitely not boring. In our film opening it would be a blend of thrillers conventions and basic opening scene conventions. 
    Use of close ups and extreme close ups of the protagonist are used frequently in thrillers, and will be used in our opening. 
     In very popular film, Split. 
  The audience is immediately introduced with a medium shot of the protagonist. Split is. by far my favorite example of a thriller film. The opening is fantastic and although it isn't a "slow tempo" like most thrillers, it still follows many conventions. 
    What me and my partner decided to do is use a a load of irony in our film opening. The soundscape and the actual visual content will not match. The audio would be disastrous while the visual is graceful. Close ups will be used and smiles and natural light. All the elements that the eyes of the audience will feel calm, but their ears will be distressed. 
   With this technique, it will captivate our audience and get their full attention from the absolute beginning. 
         Well my human creatures, It's time to part our ways as I leave my keyboard and you your screen. I hope I wasn't too annoying. Thank you guys (:

I'm Back & I'm Betta

     Hello human creatures!!!!
   I know I've been a little a-wall lately and my deepest apologies...  Actually nah. Not sorry. Sorry I'm not sorry.
   Well, behalf on sorriness that I'm not sorry, I'd like to announce: I'M BACK!1!1! 
Yes, you're absolute favorite blogger is back. I'm talking about weekly blogs with up to four updates a week. You're going to wish I was gone again... THAT'S how annoying I'm going to get.
   So as our portfolio project get's closer, some pretty important decisions have to be made. For starters, the genre for our film opening.
  My options are HORROR. 
    Horror has always been a personal favorite, probably because I'm a scorpio... I don't even know.
Horror has just is many unique conventions that I would absolutely love to try myself. I mentioned the majority of these conventions in one of my older blogs.
     I'd most definitely would want to incorporate  a remarkable source of natural light.
      I'm gonna talk about a specific film opening. The Exorcist. It's not long, it's just the opening so take the two minutes to understand and follow what I'm going to explain.
  In this opening, the director uses the most direct source of natural light there is: the sun. The sun, the way it opens, is not tiny or hidden, it's shown directly. In a way to get in the audience's face. My favorite example of excellent use of natural light.

Another great example of how I, hopefully, plan to use natural light is in the opening scene of The Grudge. 
        The sun is of course the source of the natural light. However, movement is incorporated. Medium and movement shots are used which definitely helps with technique for my film opening as well.
     Hopefully with these two great examples you can sort of get an idea of the lighting for my film opening.
   Goodnights my human creatures!


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